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Friday, December 16, 2011

Closing Post

This blog is now closed!

The project has officially come to an end. It has been a tiring and hard journey but we have had alot of fun as well.

We have tried to make it as easy to navigate as possible through the use of labels and posting in date order.

We hope you enjoy having a look around the blog.

Group 4

Dance Routine planning

We plan to have a complicated dance routine for the first 40seconds of our music video. Therefore this first 40minutues needed to be carefully choreographed. I stayed after school one day to teach the routine which I had choreographed to our dancer, Chris.

Page 1 of planning

Page two of routine

Some of the videos which influenced our routine were

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Audience Feedback Focus Group

On Monday 12th December 2011 at 12.45 we held a small focus group session where we asked an equal amount of males and females from our year group to give us some feedback on the music video and ancillary tasks. In total we had 9 people turn up, which was ideal for us because it meant we could allow for more time answering questions and getting them to try things like the website out. Below is a video of the entire screening.

The feedback was extremely helpful and interesting for us because even though the interests in music in the group were completely different, they agreed on alot of the same points and many of them enjoyed the video. The general feedback that we received for the video was that they believed it was a feel good video that made many of them "feel happy", which is pleasing for us because this is what we set out to achieve. One interesting point that we discussed afterwards was the idea that many thought that the video appealed more to young children due to the panda bear, which is quite a lot younger than the audience we had set out to appeal to with our artist. However, with the video we had aimed to target the family audience, which using the feedback we did successfully.

Feedback on the website was very positive, many thought it was easy to navigate, looked appealing through the images and colour scheme and they thought it looked like a professionally built website. In terms of the album cover, many of them thought it was visually appealing and they could see it being sold on HMV's shelves, however it was pointed out to us by several members of the group that the album name 'FREEWIRED' was too hard to read because of the text colour.

After the session we asked two people to stay behind for ten minutes for a short interview, so that we could get a more in depth response to the different aspects of the project. The video for this is below.

Once we had collected all of the questionnaires and had finished with the interview, we sat down as a group and went through the responses we had received and discussed the points raised.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Final shoot

Tuesday the 29th marks our final shoot. This is the climax of our music video; the dance routine. Here is some of our planning material for the shoot.

Here is our Shoot plan/List.

Final shoot Tuesday 29th November – Dance routine

There is an event page on facebook. 

I spoke to the student who runs dance club in the girls gym and she agreed to let us use the venue tomorrow lunch. We felt an indoor venue would encourage a better turnout, due to cold weather being off putting.

Good news

Furthermore, we communicated as a group on our facebook page to ensure everything was set.

To make sure we get enough dancers, we sent an email to our teacher asking her to publicise the shoot.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Feature section of the website

One aspect of the website is a scrolling feature bar which displays the most important news which will help promote the artist. This is in addition to a news feed, however featured news would be more related to selling the 'brand' of the artist and promoting them as opposed to the updates which a news feed would supply.

A rough example of one feature article
The 4 or 5 features would slide across the screen in a slideshow like manner, replacing each other with a slow gentle fade. We've tested this on wix and there are no issues with this so with feedback from each group member and teachers we will look to include it in our final website.

These are just rough edits and templates and will probably not be used in the final version.

The idea is that a bold image to capture attention is accompanied by a lead text article with a link to read the whole article. 
Images may not be of the artist, but will be related to the article.



Tuesday 22nd shoot schedule

Tuesday 22nd November Shoot Schedule